Sunday, December 26, 2010

Well, I feel the BURN!

I realized today, the reason I am fat...I love to eat, and I hate to exercise.  I typically work out at Curves, but it's low impact, and I'm never feeling like I've been hit by a truck.  Well yesterday when Todd and I did our first Kettle Bell work out, I thought, "Sure, I can do this"  But today, yup...I feel like I've been hit by a semi-truck.  I get to this stage, (first work out stage) and then I may be brave enough to do a second time, but after two trucks hit me, I leave the DVD on the counter to start it's career as a dust magnet.  I will not do this, THIS time.  I just have to push through the burn, stretch better, and go through this burn.  I'm entering the weight loss phase, where toning is mandatory, if I don't want to end up like a saggy skinned monster. 

I will push through the burn.  It will get easier right?  Well, I"m not sure, but I will get used to the pain.  (But how do I know really, I've never made it through a video twice. 

This is our schedule...
Monday:  Todd AM
                Sarah PM

Tuesday:  REST

Wednesday: Todd PM
                    Sarah PM

Thursday:  Todd: Apple
                 Sarah Curves

Friday:       Todd: Apple
                  K worx PM
                  Sarah Curves
                  K works PM

Saturday:    Todd: Apple
                   Sarah: Curves

Sunday:  REST

We need to follow through.  And we will. :)

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